
The Magic of a Soul Sister

Vilano Beach, Florida

I woke up this morning with many questions on my mind. My c-section is scheduled for this Saturday because my baby is still in breech position. I have come to accept that this is the way our baby will come into the world and I feel nothing but excitement for its arrival. I was feeling very curious about what the recovery is like and, in those early morning waking hours, I kept thinking to myself, “I need to email Ginger.”

Ginger is one of my super-special-soul-sister-besties. Only 3% of babies remain in the breech position until delivery. Well, Ginger and I, our babies are in the 3%. So I was thinking hard as I was tossing and turning in bed that I should reach out to her and set up some face time so she could give me the inside info. I got out of bed and did my morning reading, then made my way to my computer and worked for a while. Then I see an email pop up from Ginger. She wanted to face time. She was feeling my vibes from across the equator. THIS is magic at its finest!

This is a picture I took of Ginger and her little breecher, Olivia, on our home beach in Florida just before Christmas in 2015. I had just bought my new camera and was having fun practicing with all my friends. Ginger and Olivia were good subjects. Both beautiful little light beams in the world. This comes through on the camera.

Magic 79/365, Ginger & Olivia, Vilano Beach, Florida, December 22, 2015

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