Animals Books Magic

Animal Speak

“Humanity has lost that instinctive tie to the rhythms and patterns of Nature, and with that loss has come a loss of the reality of magic. Nature tries to show us every day that all forms of life can teach us.”

Animal Speak by Ted Andrews

I am reading this book about animal totems and it is reminding me of a connection to nature that I once had and am working to restore. My time in Etosha National Park sparked this quest to reconnect. It was also a reminder of how wonderful it is to just sit and be and look at what is around you because most times what was around you was fascinating. Like these zebras.

I took 1,234 photos in Etosha. It has been a little overwhelming even to think about processing this collection of photos, so, once again, here comes my push. Ten days of animal photos.

Magic 151/365, Zebras at Etosha, Etosha National Park, Namibia

Animal Speak 1/10

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