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Kasai, DRC, Congo

New Mother

This is a photo I took when I first moved to Congo. I didn’t know anything about taking photos and especially in low light, so this…

VSLA, Walikale, North Kivu, DRC
Books Documentary Life

Good Problems

On our long drive from San Jose to Nosara we listened to the audio version of the book The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck: A…


Take Me to Church

No matter how small the village in Congo, there is always a church. This particular church was in Bosobolo, a small village in Nord Ubangi province.…

Kinshasa, Congo, DRC

The Architect and the Maman

This is another of my favorite photos from Congo. I took this photo of one of our architects with a new mother at a health center…


Village Tech

This is one of my favorite photos from Congo. I took this during a training I was doing for health workers in Bosobolo, Nord Ubangi, a…

bed nets, malaria, DRC

Bed Net Recipient

This is another photo I took during a bed net distribution in DR Congo. This mother was convalescing with her young child underneath a bed net…