SEVEN MINUTES I was living in a hospital in Kananga in Kasai Central Province in 2012, shortly before the start of ASSP. My church hired me to renovate the hospital, but the funding was sparse. My room was a barren, concrete box with no electricity and no running water. Hopefully I would be able to fix that during the renovations. I hadn’t been there long when one night, around two in the…
I got a[nother] drone and it changed my life.
I must admit, photographing the beach day after day has gotten kind of old. BEING on the beach will NEVER get old for me. But these…
I traveled to this little village in Nord Kivu to interview women who have survived sexual violence. The only way to get there was by UN…
The Most Dangerous Thing I’ve Ever Done
“Isn’t it dangerous?” I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been asked some variant of the above question. Especially while living and working in Congo,…
Men at Work
We were just going through the photos of our awesome trip to New Orlean’s and came across this one. Tears. Real tears. This photo cracks me…
Helicopter Face
We took our son on his first helicopter tour over Rio de Janeiro. This face pretty much sums up his feelings about it. And no, he…
Family Thanksgiving in Rio
This best friend of mine, more of a soul brother than bestie, he and I have been everywhere together. We became soul friends for life in Russia…
Sand and Self
Magic 318/365, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, November 2018…
The Masses
I took this photo from atop the Sofitel Hotel in Ipanema. Looking at it further digs the longing in my soul to replace my lost drone,…