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Crystal Stafford,
Documentary Life Magic

Moments of Me

This is a photo I took while writing in my journal in a dark hotel in Gbadolite. I was writing about how content I was to…

Crystal Stafford,
Documentary Life

My Favorite Woman

This woman, pictured to the left is my favorite woman. Ok, one of them. I have many. But THIS woman is special. Her name is Nelly…

Bosobolo, Nord Ubangi, DRC

Old women are beautiful

Some people think that when women get older they become less beautiful. I think that people that think THAT have a warped and unhealthy sense of…

Crystal Stafford,
Life Magic

Four Months of Bliss

I gotta say, this whole parenting thing. It’s AWESOME. It is the best thing I have ever done. Today we celebrated Dasan’s four-month birthday on our favorite…

Crystal Stafford, Father, Florida
Life Magic

A Salute to a Great Man

Today marks five years since my father’s funeral. I hadn’t been back to his grave since his funeral but on my last trip to Florida, just…

Crystal Stafford,
Documentary Life

God Love Him

Because I do. This is one of my favorite photos of Antonio. It was shot during one of those rare moments that took myself and my…

Crystal Stafford,

Deep in the Heart of Texas

That’s where I am right now. And this place scares me. After leaving this mega-consumerist bubble we call ‘Merica, dropping myself back into a place like…

Crystal Stafford,

Dasan Meets the Atlantic

We finally made our way to my hometown, Jacksonville, Florida, to show off our awesome new baby and introduce him to my favorite ocean, The Atlantic.…

Crystal Stafford,

My Family Portrait

My sister asked for a picture of the three of us. We were standing outside of the Blind Tiger Coffee Shop in Saint Petersburg, Florida on…

Crystal Stafford, Red Sea, Egypt, Sinai Peninsula
Life Travel

Fisherman in the Red Sea

Do you have one of those places out there that you wish, more than any other place, you could revisit with your REAL camera and photograph…