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Sacred Jungle Geometry

Photo displaying sacred jungle geometry

Lately, my cravings have been leading me deeper and deeper into the forest. I find so much peace there. The moment I walk into an old-growth forest I can feel the energy in my body shift and settle. Quiet. When I find myself in the forest with my camera, I seek the sacred details. The sacred geometry. It’s a newfound fascination for my photography and a perfect one for the rainy season…

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wedding, crystal stafford, antonio martinez

We Got Married!

It’s official, we are husband and wife. All of our nearest and dearest from across the globe flocked to beaches of Nosara for a week of…

Crystal Stafford, Democratic Republic of Congo
Documentary Magic

Bright Eyes

I love photos like this, a true representation of the world right now. A healthy baby, bright-eyed and vibrant… and in this case a little confused. It…

Jacksonville, Florida, Spiritualized Life

Spiritualized Life

I believe that everyone needs a place. This was my place for many years while I was working hard as a musician living next to the…

Loko, Nord Ubangi, DRC, Congo
Documentary Magic

Magic in the Making

This picture was only the beginning of a long day of mishaps during a field mission in Nord Ubangi, an equatorial region on the northern border…

Crystal Stafford, Queenstown, New Zealand
HDR Landscapes Magic

If I Could Be Anything

If I could have any job in the world, it wouldn’t be a photographer. It would be someone studying photography. I would just attend photography workshops…

Cape of Good Hope, South Africa

The Bird Clan

Birds. If there is one thing I remember about my childhood in relation to my father it’s birds. I remember him bringing home injured birds he…

Documentary Magic

Sundays In Kananga

There’s not a lot to do in little village towns like Kananga. I think that’s why people work six days a week instead of five. So…