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Crystal Stafford, Halali Camp, Etosha National Park, Nambia
HDR Landscapes Travel

Safari Life

When I first booked our trip to Etosha National Park, I thought five days might be too many. I was wrong. I could have spent months…

Crystal Stafford,
Photos Travel

Camera Tricks

My five days in Hanoi, the capital city of Vietnam, were some of the most photographically inspiring days of my visual journey yet. And I don’t…

Crystal Stafford, Afrika Burn 2017
Magic Travel

Magical Africa Burn

I have been lucky enough to attend three burns, Burning Man in 2010 and Afrika Burn in 2016 and 2017. All three of these events deeply…

Crystal Stafford, zebra, Namibia, Etosha
HDR Landscapes Travel

Zebra Love

There are so many zebras in Etosha National Park. Everywhere you go they are there and I love them. I could spend months in that park.…

Los Angeles Cloud Forest, Costa Rica, hummingbirds
Animals Travel

Hummingbird in the Cloud Forest

I was lucky enough to spend the afternoon hiking in the Los Angeles Cloud Forest yesterday. This cloud forest is located in the central valley of Costa Rica,…

Etosha Pan, Etosha National Park, Namibia
Landscapes Life Magic Travel

108 Today

I made a new year’s resolution to post a photo a day this year and today is my 108th post. I am celebrating this because 108…


The Phare

This is a photo I took at the Phare Cambodian Circus. The Phare is not your typical circus with clowns and elephants. It’s a modern circus,…