
Father and Son

Crystal Stafford,

Father and Son was the first song I ever learned on guitar. I was 15 years old and my father bought me a guitar for Christmas. I wasn’t really into it because what I really wanted was a surfboard. I know, what a spoiled freakin brat. So I let it gather dust and continued to sweat over the keys of my piano, my first true love. That is, until I heard this song, Father and Son by Cat Stevens. I went straight to the music store and bought the sheet music for it (the internet wasn’t really a thing yet – yes, I am THAT old). And then I played that song over and over again until I was finally brave enough to play it for my best friend, Lisa. I made her cry. It was then that I realized that I might actually be ok at music.

I took this photo of my son and his father, the biggest loves, today at the tide pools in Playa Guiones. It was Antonio’s birthday and we had a picnic under the green season clouds. We ate cookies and quiche and washed it down with cold wine. And then I watched these two beautiful souls, father and son, loving each other. I could not be more grategul.

Magic 274/365, Father and Son, Playa Guiones, Costa Rica, October 1, 2018

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