Magic Travel

Magical Africa Burn

Crystal Stafford, Afrika Burn 2017

I have been lucky enough to attend three burns, Burning Man in 2010 and Afrika Burn in 2016 and 2017. All three of these events deeply moved and inspired my soul, but I have to say, Afrika Burn has a special place in my heart. The event brings people from all over the continent together for seven days of radical acceptance and kinship. Africa already draws a special kind of person to its extreme landscapes and politics. Then filter out this subset of humanity even further down to BURNERS and you have got one special mix of mankind. Some of my favorite people on earth have been found at this festival. Many of them are pictured here, in this photo we created at Afrika Burn 2017. Once positioned a passerby took the actual photo, but it was our crew that made it magical. I mean just LOOK at these people. MAGIC does not even begin to describe them.

This year we had to miss Afrika Burn. It ended about ten days ago. But our hearts were burning with all these fine folks that once again migrated to Tankwa Town to share their light and make a beautiful flame. My goal: To bring these amazing afrikan burners to Burning Man next year.

Magic 127/365, MAGIC, Afrika Burn, Tankwa Town, South Africa, April 2017

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