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Etosha National Park

Crystal Stafford, Etosha, Nambia, Giraffe
Animals Landscapes

The Goofy Sort

Giraffes are HILARIOUS. And they are another favorite of mine. They are the shyest of all the animals we encountered in Etosha National Park. They are…

Crystal Stafford, zebras, etosha, namibia
Animals Books Magic

Animal Speak

“Humanity has lost that instinctive tie to the rhythms and patterns of Nature, and with that loss has come a loss of the reality of magic.…

Crystal Stafford, Halali Camp, Etosha National Park, Nambia
HDR Landscapes Travel

Safari Life

When I first booked our trip to Etosha National Park, I thought five days might be too many. I was wrong. I could have spent months…

Etosha Pan, Etosha National Park, Namibia
Landscapes Life Magic Travel

108 Today

I made a new year’s resolution to post a photo a day this year and today is my 108th post. I am celebrating this because 108…

weaver bird nest, Etosha National Park, Namibia


That’s where I am at right now. At least, that’s the dream I’m striving ever so hard to achieve. It looks like the house I’ve been…