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New Orleans


Men at Work

Crystal Stafford, dad, fathering, stay at home dad

We were just going through the photos of our awesome trip to New Orlean’s and came across this one. Tears. Real tears. This photo cracks me up. Antonio saw another dad in the park working out with his little one and decided to join in as Dasan takes a nice, cozy nap. One for the times. Magic 348/365, Men at Work, New Orleans, July 2018…

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Crystal Stafford, New Orleans

Urban Mutha

Love this picture that my love took of Dasan and I walking in the Warehouse district in New Orleans. We had just finished watching the final…

Crystal Stafford, New Orleans

Soul Brothers

This is a picture of Dasan and his soul brother, Rhodes, who is the son of my soul sister, Ginger. I am already dreaming of the…

Crystal Stafford, New Orleans

Me and My Boy

This is another fun photo taken by Antonio from our New Orleans adventure. This was a special moment because it was Dasan’s first time in a…