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street heart


Santa Teresa Street Art

Crystal Stafford, Santa Teresa, Rio

We couldn’t have chosen a better neighborhood for our month-long “study abroad” in Rio. Santa Teresa had just enough grit to make it an adventure and enough soul to leave us wanting more. The art lining the streets was the icing on the cake. Magic 334/365, Santa Teresa Street Art, Rio, November 20, 2018…

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Crystal Stafford,
Street Travel

Into the Blue Goddess

Another fine work of art from the streets of Santa Teresa. 327/365, Into the Blue Goddess, Santa Teresa, Rio, November 2018…

Crystal Stafford, Santa Teresa

Street Jungle

This beautifully painted scene lines the walls that hold up the street above and stretches all the way from the central corner of Santa Teresa past…

Crystal Stafford, Brazil

Street Heart

Our plane set down in Rio early yesterday morning. The skies were gray and a light rain kept us inside for most of the day. We…