This is a photo I took during one of our many breakdowns while traveling in remote villages in Congo. This one happened to be in Loko, about two hours drive from Gbadolite in Nord Ubangi. I am always blown away by how strong Congolese women are. Here this woman is smiling shyly for the camera while carrying a huge bowl full of veggies that she probably grew in her garden and her stout little toddler tied to her back. Meanwhile, the photo below is not of her husband, but I guarantee you that at this very moment, its probably what her husband was doing, napping. The women do everything in these parts of the world. I have never seen a Congolese woman leisurely napping in the shade of a tree but that is just about all I see the men in the villages doing. The women grow the veggies, cook the food, take care of the children, fetch the water, fetch the wood. They are the backbone of that country. I hope someday they will gain the respect they deserve from the men they support.
- A typical day in the life of Congolese man in the village.
Magic 89/365, The Difference Between, Loko, Nord Ubangi, DRC, March 2016