Animals Landscapes Life Magic

Worth It

Playa Pelada, Nosara, Costa Rica

This is a photo I took with my mother’s new-at-the-time iPhone on a trip we took to Nosara in March of 2015. To this day it is still my favorite photo that I have taken there (I plan to one-up it soon).

Today we are heading back to Nosara for the foreseeable future. It has been a stressful couple of months leading up to this moment. Working in Congo for the past three months amid political unrest, spending Christmas and New Years in Namibia (ok, not that stressful), packing up my life in Kinshasa, selling what didn’t make the cut in a failing economy (I got half of what I paid for my car three years ago), looking for a new home in Costa Rica because the house I’ve been trying to build ever since this trip in 2015 has still NOT EVEN BROKEN GROUND depsite all the money I’ve thrown at it, and now traveling across the world to begin new amazing life.

And all this while being pregnant.

Yesterday morning, while skimming the internet for used cars and pulling up numerous blogs that said I was going to get SCREWED buying used in Costa Rica, I must admit, I had a small breakdown that included me running to the bedroom, jumping into bed and burying my teary face into pillows for a good five minutes, soliciting hugs and kisses from my partner, and then getting back to work. Afterwards I was feeling a little down on myself for having a freak out moment, but then I flew up to the birds eye view of my soul and looked down and realized we are literally doing ALL of the things considered most stressful in life: having our first child, moving, TO A NEW COUNTRY, FROM A CRAZY COUNTRY, selling a shit car I paid too much for and buying another car that I will probably pay too much for AND building a house. Maybe.

When I listed this out to my partner, he laughed and nodded in agreement, “Yeah, now all we need to do is add wedding planning to the list.”

We both laughed and then it hit me. I looked at him and said, “I am allowed to freak out.”

He said, “Yeah, we’re doing good.”

And then we came to the conclusion that we are creating a pretty amazing life, and to do that, it takes a lot of courage, a lot of risks, and a lot of work. And the occasional freak-out.

We work damn hard for this magical existence. It’s rarely ever easy, but for moments like the one pictured here, it is so worth it.

Magic 37/365, Playa Pelada, Nosara, Costa Rica, March 18, 2015

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